I dug out some of my old issues and remembered this set of covers from Micronauts Special Edition (baxter reprints) from 1982-83. The interiors featured the Golden art from the first twelve issues, but the covers were executed by Butch (aka Jackson) Guice and Joe Rubinstein.

Guice took over the series around the time these reprint covers were published. Michael Golden was a very hard act to follow. I remember Gil Kane drawing some issues and Pat Broderick did some nice work for a while. When Guice took over, I remember seeing some potential in his work. He progressed very quickly on the series and eventually went on to draw an X-Men/Micronauts crossover with Bill.

The first twelve issue Micronauts formed a nice little graphic novel, with the team going from the Microverse to Earth and back home to confront the Vader-like Baron Karza. It was probably a job that few people at Marvel wanted and the creative team made it something special.
I also remember Bill Mantlo taking the time to write me a postcard after I praised one of his stories in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu. I've heard similar tales from other fans. If you're interested in helping out his family, this article contains a donation link. Nuff Said!
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